You qualify for 19% off of your purchase so you'll only have to pay £16.20 with discount code SUPER-FRIEND.

Don't worry, we've already added the discount code for you.

All you need to do is enter your details and click one of the pay buttons.

Find unlimited driving test cancellations in just 5 simple steps...

1. YOU book your test with the DVSA

You need to have a test booked with the DVSA - that's the test we'll change for you. If you don't have a test booked, go here and book any test at your chosen test centre - the date doesn't matter (but we recommend booking a date which is at least a month from now), we just need a test on the DVSA system we can bring forward for you.

2. YOU create your account with us

Fill in the form below to create your account.

3. YOU login to your account and tell us your test preferences

Test centres (you can choose up to 5), dates / times you can make and dates / times you can't make as well as your driving licence details. You can even tell us not to find early morning tests if you're not a morning person!

4. WE search for tests and WE find you tests

When we find matches we'll text and email you the details - if YOU like a test, reply and tell US to change your current test date. If not, sit back and wait for some more!
If you've told us to auto-book, we'll automatically change your test for you without you having to reply to our messages.

5. Cancellations until YOU pass

If you're unlucky enough to fail your next test, YOU just book yourself another one with the DVSA, come back here, login and tell US your next set of test centres, times and dates that you'd like, and wait for some more offers! And you can do this until you PASS for no extra charge.
Got questions or need help signing up? Chat to our team:
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You can sign up by either logging in to Facebook

Don't wait weeks or months.
Setup your account now to start receiving driving test cancellations.

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Pay just £20.00 for unlimited cancellations until your next test

By purchasing, you agree to our standard terms.

Next - use one of the buttons below to pay for your Driving Test Cancellation Finder account:

Pay with PayPal  
Alternatively, if you'd like to pay over the phone please call 01206 625801 Mon-Fri 9.00am to 5.30pm.